All posts by: Ceed Consulting

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The startup of Montenegrin innovators attracted investors and provided 1.8 million dollars

Startup Uhura Solutions, which has developed a contract analysis platform based on artificial intelligence, has secured an investment of $ 1.8 million. The company, based in London and R&D center in Montenegro, founded and run by Montenegrin innovators, will use the investment to expand the team with a special focus on hiring developers at the […]

by in Novosti

Startap crnogorskih inovatora privukao investitore i obezbijedio 1,8 miliona dolara

Startap kompanija Uhura Solutions, koja je razvila platformu za analizu ugovora baziranu na vještačkoj inteligenciji, obezbijedila je investiciju od 1,8 miliona dolara. Kompanija, sa sjedištem u Londonu i R&D centrom u Crnoj Gori, koju su osnovali i vode crnogorski inovatori, investiciju će iskoristiti za širenje tima sa posebnim akcentom na zapošljavanje programera u razvojnom centru […]

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Eight companies and two educational institutions will be improved from RCF grants

The regional challenge found (RCF) grants will improve the work of eight companies and two educational institutions from Montenegro. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) through the German Development Bank (KfW). The main partner in implementing the project is the Western Balkans Comoros Investment Forum (WB6CIF). […]

by in Novosti

Iz grantova RCF-a unaprijediće se rad osam kompanija i dvije obrazovne ustanove

Iz dobijenih grantova Regionalnog fonda za izazove (RCF) unaprijediće se rad osam kompanija i dvije obrazovne ustanove iz Crne Gore. Projekat finansira Njemačko savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ) preko Njemačke razvojne banke (KfW). Glavni partner u implementaciji projekta je Komorski investicioni forum Zapadnog Balkana (WB6CIF). Sredstva će biti investirana u ukupnom iznosu […]

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Adopted roadmap for the implementation of the new generation network and Industry 4.0

The Ministry of Economic Development, in cooperation with the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP), aware of the importance of the entire digitalization process, prepared a Roadmap for the introduction of 5G mobile communication networks, which was adopted by the Government on December 23. Fifth generation (5G) mobile communication networks represent one of […]

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