Deposits and assets at historical maximum
Banks in Montenegro are liquid and solvent, and all measures of the Central Bank (CBCG), created in order to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic for citizens and the economy, have been implemented efficiently, it was assessed at the meeting of representatives of the supreme monetary institution and commercial banks.
The CBCG announced that deposits, since the beginning of the year, have increased by around 600 million euros and now amount to almost four billion, which, as they pointed out, is a historical maximum.
This trend confirms the preserved confidence in the banking system, but also in the work of regulators. Liquid assets, amounting to almost 1.5 billion euros, are also at an all-time high.
The negative impact of the pandemic on banks’ operations is reflected in a slight increase in late payments (NPLs), which, however, is limited due to the measures implemented by the CBCG in a timely manner. The working meeting of the Governor of the CBCG and the representatives of the banks was an opportunity to discuss the activities on the implementation of the Law on Credit Institutions.