Investment Development Fund plans to invest 180 million euros as support to Montenegrin entrepreneurs this year
Investment Development Fund plans to invest 180 million euros in 2019 as support to special target groups and that in mind of warranty schemes. This instrument is intented for young people, women, unemployed college students, individual agricultural producers, technological surpluses, as well as all entrepreneurs who have a sustainable and profitable idea.
By introducing a guarantee period another mechanism will be created that will motivate potential entrepreneurs to decide more easily to start their own business.
By issuing guarantees, all prerequisites for easier access to credit will be created and in that way will motivate potential, but also existing entrepreneurs to invest in business.
The Investment Development Fund notes that they will continue to cooperate with development international partners such as EIB (European Investment Bank), CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank), EIF (European Investment Fund), CDB (China Development Bank).